When Can Babies Have Blankets in the Crib?

When Can Babies Have Blankets in the Crib?

Learn when it’s safe for a baby to sleep with a blanket in the crib

If your baby has outgrown the swaddling stage and you’re wondering when can babies have blankets in the crib, keep reading. The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) recommends that Bare is Best which means nothing goes into the crib with baby until they are at least 12 months old. That means no blankets, no toys, no bumpers anywhere in their sleep space due to risks of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS). The chances of SIDS appear to be greatest for infants between 1-4 months, and greatly seem to decline by the 1-year mark. So until then, remember that bare is best when it comes to infant sleep. More FAQs about when can babies have a blanket in their crib are below:

When can you put a blanket in baby’s crib?

Because of risks of SIDS, it’s best not to put anything to sleep with your baby until they are at least 12 months old. That means no blankets, no toys, no bumpers anywhere in their sleep space but baby himself, dressed in either a swaddle or a sleep sack. But once your baby reaches 18 months, it’s generally fine for them to sleep with a blanket or comfort object as they are likely able to push it out of the way on their own.  

Prior to that milestone, a sleep sack is a great option to ensure that baby is safe while he sleeps. A sleep sack is basically a wearable blanket that can be used starting at birth, however most parents feel that swaddling is a better option for their newborn. Swaddling is meant to mimic life inside the womb and is a familiar feeling for your newborn to be wrapped up tight and snuggly.  That said, sleep sacks are a great and easy option for new parents who are intimidated by swaddling techniques.

Why should you not put blankets in a crib?

While there’s no 100% guarantee to prevent SIDS, a good place to start is your baby’s sleep space. A safe sleep environment should also be a healthy sleep environment that creates a safe sleep space for baby. In addition to the bare is best concept, according to the AAP, follow this acronym for the ABC’s of safe sleep to help reduce the chances of SIDS:

  • A – ALONE. Baby should always sleep alone but in the same room as her caregiver
  • B – BACK. Baby should always, always, always, be put to sleep on her back – both for naps and nighttime sleep.
  • C – CRIB. Baby should sleep in a crib or co-sleeper with a firm mattress and snug-fitting sheet – that is it! No bumpers, no extra bedding, no cuddle toys!

How do I keep my baby warm at night without a blanket?

If you’re still wondering when can my baby have a blanket in the crib because you’re concerned your baby may be cold or need that extra bit of comfort, sleep sacks help regulate your infant’s body temperature which keeps him from being too cold, too hot, and makes their sleep just right. Sleep sacks help ensure that your infant will sleep safely by eliminating the need for anything extra in his crib. No blankets, no toys, just baby in his crib, bassinet or co-sleeper, in nothing but his wearable blanket!

What age can babies have a blanket in bed?

The chances of SIDS appear to be greatest for infants between 1-4 months, and greatly seem to decline by the 1-year mark. So if you’re still questioning when can a baby have a blanket in the crib, it’s best to wait until he’s at least a year old. Until then, to help prevent sudden infant death syndrome, please put baby to sleep on his back for all sleep and remember that bare is best when it comes to anything extra in his crib.

Typically, the age baby can sleep with blanket, whether to keep him warm or as a comfort object, is at least one year old and/or when he can safely keep a blanket from covering his nose and mouth.       

Are comforters SIDS safe?

Comforters are a no-no when it comes to safe sleep for your infant. Remember, AAP guidelines say that bare is best for infant sleep. In this case, “bare” simply means that baby should be put to sleep in an empty crib. Just baby, on his back, in a onesie, swaddle, or sleep sack, on a firm mattress and that is it! No comforter, no bedding, no pillows and no toys! This helps to avoid accidental suffocation which is one of the believed causes of SIDS.

Can you use a weighted blanket in a crib?

Using a weighted blanket in the crib is really a matter of size and weight as opposed to age. That’s why it’s always best to follow manufacturer instructions. That said, no blankets of any kind should be used in your baby’s crib until he is old enough to push it aside on his own to avoid the risk of suffocation. Until then, a wearable blanket or sleep sack, is a great option for crib sleep because it helps to keep baby safe and secure. Read more on this in the next question!

Are weighted wearable blankets safe for babies in the crib?

Wearable blankets are considered safe when it comes to crib sleep because they adhere to the AAP recommendations of safe sleep and the bare is best concept. The Dreamland Baby weighted sleep sack has been designed to reduce stress and increase relaxation through deep-pressure stimulation to give your baby feelings of security and comfort – like a hug! Weighted sleep sacks are proven to calm your baby and help baby sleep better for longer stretches of time.

When should a baby have a sleep sack versus a blanket?

Sleep sacks are designed to keep babies safe and warm to promote a better night’s sleep. Babies under the age of one should sleep in a swaddle or sleep sack as opposed to a blanket. This recommendation is made by the American Academy of Pediatrics. 

As your baby grows, they will have periods of transitioning. For example, transitioning from a swaddle to a sleep sack and then a sleep sack to blanket. Because we all need sleep and hate to lose any of it, there are ways you can promote smoother transitions. For one, keep some consistency. This can be a before-bedtime routine or similar materials for your sleep sack, swaddle, and blanket of choice. At Dreamland, we offer all three. Plus, we offer transitional swaddles. Our sleep sacks and swaddles are available in weighted and non-weighted styles. If you start your baby in a weighted swaddle, it can help to keep them in a weighted sleep sack. You can even transition them to our weighted toddler blanket when it's time. 

Our products are made with natural materials that are soft and safe. They can also help regulate temperature. Parents love their user-friendly design and how they can magically help babies sleep. Our CoverCalm®

Technology, featured in our weighted sleep sacks and swaddles, helps naturally reduce stress while giving your baby a sense of security and comfort. 100% of parents achieved up to 4 hours of additional sleep per night using Dreamland products. 

How do I know if my baby is cold in his crib?

While you may fear waking your sleeping baby, if you’re concerned about their temperature you’ll likely need to touch them. Remember, your baby’s hands and face may feel cold, but this does not mean they are cold. Touch their skin on their tummy or back to get a better idea of how warm or cold they really are. 

Putting your baby to sleep in a sleep sack or swaddle that helps regulate temperature can help keep them comfortable. Sleep sacks and swaddles should have Thermal Over Grade ratings (TOG). TOG ratings measure the heat of a certain product. It represents the amount of thermal insulation the product provides. At Dreamland our products feature a TOG rating along with a temperature recommendation. This can help you choose the right product based on the climate. 

Will babies cry if they are cold at night?

Babies may cry if they are uncomfortable or cold at night. Without being able to vocalize with words they are cold, it will be up to you to decode their cries. If you suspect your baby is cold at night, switch their sleep sack or swaddle, or whatever you are using to keep them warm. At Dreamland, we offer sleep sacks in 1.0 TOG and 2.5 TOG. Our 1.0 TOG sleep save is perfect for 68-73°F or 21-23°C and our 2.5 TOG is perfect for 61 to 68 °F or 16 to 20 °C.

What is the ideal room temperature for a baby?

As with most things for your baby, room temperature should be just right to ensure they are content. Not too hot and not too cold. Sound familiar? 

Your baby’s room or sleeping space should be between 68-72°F. With small bodies that are growing rapidly, babies can be more sensitive to temperature than adults. Once your baby hits the 11 week milestone their body should start to regulate temperature better. 

If you don’t have a heating or cooling system, you may need to use alternatives such as fans or stand alone heaters. Just be sure they are placed a safe distance from your baby and kept out of harm's way. To monitor the temperature you can use an indoor thermometer. Ensuring your baby is properly dressed for the temperature of the room is important too. You will need sleep too so you won’t be able to keep watch all night. Do the best you can to regulate the room temperature and dress your baby appropriately. 

What size blanket can a 1 year old sleep with?

Most one year olds are sleeping in a crib. Therefore, a crib size blanket should suffice. This usually translates to a blanket that’s about 45” x 60”. You will want the blanket to be big enough to keep your baby warm and cozy, but not so big it presents danger. While you can give your baby a blanket to sleep with at 12 months old, it may be safer to wait a little longer. The older your baby gets, the less risk there is associated with bedding the crib. Remember, there is no age deemed 100% safe for a baby to sleep or use a blanket or similar. Analyze your baby’s environment and do everything you can to make it as safe as possible. 

How do I introduce a blanket to my 1 year old?

Some babies may be eager to use a blanket and or are less bothered by change. However, with most changes, a baby will need help transitioning. To introduce a blanket, try using it as your rock or feed them, or even while watching TV or hanging out. You can also start introducing the blanket during nap times. This can be a more peaceful way to make the transition without interrupting the bedtime routine. 

Switching from a sleep sack to blanket that feels similar can help the transition go smoother. If your baby is using a Dreamland sleep sack, consider transitioning them to our toddler blanket. Signs that your baby may be ready for a blanket (aside from their age) include no longer fitting in sleep sacks. Most sleep sacks are available in a variety of sizes, but at some point, your baby will exceed the size chart. The risk of SIDS significantly decreases for babies over the age of one, so most recommend transitioning to a blanket at or around this milestone. Remember that your baby may be moving more in their sleep so the blanket may come off. Dress your baby in appropriate pajamas to ensure they stay warm throughout the night, even if their blanket shakes off. 

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In June 2022, the AAP updated its sleep guidelines and is currently not recommending weighted sleep solutions. You can read the full report here. Please note that this is not a recall. Dreamland Baby is in ongoing dialogue with the AAP regarding its stance on weighted sleepwear and hopes it will result in the statement being retracted.