Why Do Babies Like To Be Swaddled?

Why Is It Good To Swaddle a Baby?

Those first few months of life are sometimes referred to as the “fourth trimester” and to help ease the transition to life outside of the womb, swaddling is meant to mimic life inside the womb where baby has lived so snuggly for the past nine months. It’s that wrapped, tight feeling that helps baby feel comfortable, safe and secure. These reasons and more answer the question why is it good to swaddle a baby.  Swaddling also helps flailing arms and legs that can trigger baby’s startle reflex (also known as the Moro reflex) that can wake her up during precious sleep time. If you’re curious why you should swaddle a baby and even wondering do babies like swaddles, keep reading for some FAQs about why do babies like swaddling.

Why do most babies like to be swaddled?

Not only do babies like to be swaddled, but their parents like swaddling them for the soothing benefits of swaddling. Swaddling is meant to mimic life inside the womb where baby has lived so snuggly for the past nine months. If you’re wondering why do babies like to be swaddled, it’s because that wrapped, tight feeling helps baby feel comfortable, safe and secure – and who can resist how cute he looks as a little baby burrito?! Swaddling also helps flailing arms and legs that can trigger baby’s startle reflex (also known as the Moro reflex) and can help her get better sleep. 

Why do babies get swaddled?  What are the benefits?

While every baby and family is different, some parents find that swaddling is the best way to help soothe their newborn. That’s because swaddling offers that snug feeling that baby is familiar with from spending 9 months in the womb. Some parents find that baby sleeps better and for longer stretches when swaddled. It’s also meant to calm a fussy baby. Swaddling also helps flailing arms and legs that can trigger baby’s startle reflex (also known as the Moro reflex) that can wake her up during precious sleep time.

When is the best time to swaddle a baby?

It’s best to swaddle a baby starting at birth until they’re able to roll over on their own at around 4 months. By using the swaddle for both daytime naps and nighttime sleep, chances are your baby will sleep better and for longer stretches of time.

How long do babies like to be swaddled?

Every baby is different, and they grow and develop at their own pace, but once she is able to roll over on her own, it’s time to stop the swaddle for all sleep. That’s because the loose blanket can pose a suffocation risk and according to the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP), there shouldn’t be anything loose in her crib – no blankets, no pillows, no toys – to ensure the safest sleep. This milestone can be reached as early as 2 months so keep an eye out.

Should newborns be swaddled all the time?

Newborns can be swaddled anywhere from 12-20 hours a day but when she reaches one month, it’s a good idea to only use the swaddle for sleep.

Do newborns like to be swaddled tight?

Swaddling helps soothe a baby and likely helps her sleep better. While the swaddle should be snug, it shouldn’t be tight. If you can comfortably place two to three fingers between her chest and the swaddle blanket, that is the proper fit. As she grows, it’s okay for the blanket to be a bit loose around her hips so she can wiggle around a bit without limiting her movement.

Can you swaddle a baby too much?

While swaddling has lots of benefits, many experts suggest that by the time your baby reaches around 1 month, it’s a good idea to limit swaddling to naps and nighttime sleep only. That’s because you don’t want to limit baby’s mobility during waking hours. Using her hands and feet to experience the world is an important part of her development.

Can babies sleep in a swaddle?

In those early days and weeks, most newborns sleep best when swaddled because it mimics life inside the womb. Swaddling also helps calm her flailing arms and legs that can trigger baby’s startle reflex (also known as the Moro reflex) which can interrupt her sleep.  

What should you do if your baby doesn't want to be swaddled?

Every baby is different and no two will respond to anything the same way. So when it comes to being swaddled, your baby may not like it. However, while it may seem counterintuitive, it could be your swaddle technique. Make sure you read manufacturer’s instructions (some swaddle blankets even come with videos or online instructions) to ensure that you’re swaddling properly. It could be a matter of pressure – as in the swaddle may be wrapped too loose. While it may be frustrating, it’s worth a few attempts and adjustments. But if it is really clear that baby doesn’t like swaddle, it may be time to try something else.

That’s where a wearable blanket – also known as a sleep sack - comes in!  The Dreamland baby weighted sleep sack can be used from birth to toddler age. Sleep sacks work because they keep your infant safe, warm, and comfortable so they can fall asleep faster and stay asleep longer.  They also align with the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP), “bare is best” recommendation that soft bedding such as blankets, pillows and soft toys should be kept out of the baby's sleep space to avoid accidental suffocation, the leading cause of SIDS.  

What is the best swaddle for my baby?

The Dreamland Baby Weighted Sleep Swaddle was designed in collaboration with pediatricians, NICU nurses and Certified Sleep consultants. It has an inner swaddle band for security and comfort. It is designed to help your baby feel calm, fall asleep faster and stay asleep longer. The gentle weight naturally reduces stress and increases relaxation through deep-pressure stimulation to give your baby feelings of security and comfort. It also has a two-way zipper for easy diaper changes which comes in handy for those frequent, middle of the night changes.

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In June 2022, the AAP updated its sleep guidelines and is currently not recommending weighted sleep solutions. You can read the full report here. Please note that this is not a recall. Dreamland Baby is in ongoing dialogue with the AAP regarding its stance on weighted sleepwear and hopes it will result in the statement being retracted.