Dreamland Baby Blog

Children with Special Needs - How Weighted Blankets Can Help | Dreamland Baby

Children with Special Needs - How Weighted Blankets Can Help

My son was only about 3 months old when I noticed he had a hard time calming his body down. Admittedly, we had stopped swaddling...

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Weighted Blankets for Kids: A Comprehensive Guide + Our Top Picks | Dreamland Baby

Weighted Blankets for Kids: A Comprehensive Guide + Our Top Picks

If you’re not familiar with the latest product that’s helping kids everywhere with issues like anxiety and sleep, it’s time to come jump on the...

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Coping Strategies for Kids: 10 Tips for Helping Children with Anxiety | Dreamland Baby

Coping Strategies for Kids: 10 Tips for Helping Children with Anxiety

Anxiety Coping Strategies for Kids It’s not easy being a kid, especially in this day and age. From cyber bullying to global pandemics, keeping your...

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Alison Jacobson, CEO of First Candle Shares a Life-Saving Message

It’s been 23 years since my baby Connor died of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS.) I know that for many of your that’s a hard...

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How Breastfeeding Moms Can Get More Sleep | Dreamland Baby

How Much Sleep Do Breastfeeding Mothers Need?

Almost every new parent is functioning in a sleep-deprived state. Breastfeeding moms have it especially hard. Yes, moms who formula-feed will struggle with sleep, too,...

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How to Get Your Baby to Sleep Without Being Held | Dreamland Baby

How to Get Your Baby to Sleep Without Being Held

Letting a baby fall asleep in your arms is one of life's true joys, and every parent should have experiences holding their sweet, sleeping baby....

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The Positive and Negative with Baby Sleep Associations | Dreamland Baby

The Positive and Negative with Baby Sleep Associations

Baby Sleep Associations: Positive vs Negative From the time your child is born, they are looking to you to guide them on their journey in...

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16 of the Best Christmas Gifts for New Parents | Dreamland Baby

16 of the Best Christmas Gifts for New Parents

 The holidays are just around the corner, which means now is the time to get those Christmas gifts purchased and wrapped. As you make your...

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Cluster Feeding at Night: Why Babies Do It and How to Manage It | Dreamland Baby

Why Do Newborns & Babies Cluster Feed At Night?

If you have a new baby who spends the entire evening or night attached to your breasts, never seeming satisfied no matter how many times...

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