Swaddling is easy as 1-2-3 with the Dreamland Baby Dream Weighted Swaddle.
Gone are the days parents need to spend hours learning how to swaddle and wrapping their infants in loose blankets only to use the wrong technique and have their baby burrito break free in minutes.
The Dreamland Baby Weighted Swaddle features an easy-to-use, built-in swaddle band, that can be worn three ways, both arms in, one arm in, or both arms out, to effortlessly adapt to your baby's changing sleep needs.
If your baby loves to be bundled up cozy follow these three simple steps to quickly, easily and securely swaddle your baby.
HOW TO SWADDLE STEP 1: Unzip the sack and place your baby on top of the open swaddle wings. Position wing below your baby's shoulders with arms at the sides.
HOW TO SWADDLE STEP 2: Wrap one side of the swaddle wing across your baby's chest and use the hook and loop to secure the wing.
Ensure zipper is zipped to the top and protective flap is covering zipper. Your baby is swaddles and ready to get some Z'zzz.
Reminder! The swaddle wing can be adjusted allowing for a customized fit that meets the needs and comfort of your baby as they grow toward the four month milestone.
It is important to wrap the swaddle wing below the shoulders for safety reasons. This position ensures no loose fabric is covering your baby's mouth or nose, which could increase the risk of suffocation.
The Dreamland Baby weighted swaddle wings have extra strong hook and loop to help keep your baby secure and arms unable to break free.
The final swaddle, should look like this:
Dreamland Baby weighted swaddle is indicated for infants from birth (8 lbs and up) to four months. The small weighted baby blanket has 0.8 pounds of beads evenly distributed throughout the blanket. Dreamland Baby is only weighted on the front. The simple design of the sleep sack body allows for virtually no errors when placing your baby inside.
One Arm Out:
If your baby likes to have one arm out, simply position the swaddle below your baby's shoulders and wrap one side of the swaddle wing across the chest and secure the hook and loop to the other wing. Open the arm poppers on one side of the sack and gently place one arm out.
Both Arms Out:
Open poppers on both sides of the sack. Position the swaddle below your baby's arm pits. Wrap swaddle around your baby's chest and secure with the hook and loop, leaving both arms out.
Tips for Successful Swaddling:
Some things to remember when using any swaddle also apply when using the Dreamland Baby Dream Weighted Swaddle
Always swaddle your baby with a snug, secure fit.
Ensure the fabric never comes over your baby's nose or mouth.
Always check the room temperature to avoid your baby overheating.
Always swaddle with your baby's arms down, not crossed over their chest.
Never wrap swaddle around baby's legs.
Tips for Safely Swaddling:
Always place your baby to sleep on their back.
Your baby should no longer be swaddled when they show signs of rolling.
Baby's crib should be bare (no toys or crib bumpers).
Avoid swaddling with a blanket not specifically designed to swaddle.
Ensure swaddle is securely wrapped.
Always select the appropriate sized swaddle for your baby.
Can you swaddle a baby wrong?
It is absolutely possible to swaddle your baby incorrectly. This is why it’s so important to read the directions that your swaddle comes with. Some even offer videos or diagrams on their websites or hang tags – watch and/or read both! Also, consult with your doula, pediatrician or childcare expert. While most parents seem to get the hang of swaddling pretty quickly, you want to make sure you’re doing it correctly to avoid any potential hazards that can occur from doing it wrong.
How do I know if my baby doesn't want to be swaddled?
Every baby is different and no two will respond to anything the same way. So when it comes to being swaddled, your baby may not like it. They may fuss more than usual, or act like a little escape artist, or simply react in a way that translates to “no, no no!” Remember, no one knows your baby better than you do, so trust your instincts. If your newborn baby doesn’t like to be swaddled, you’re not alone, and there are options. That’s where a wearable blanket – also known as a sleep sack - comes in! The Dreamland Baby Weighted Sleep Sack can be used from birth to toddler age. Sleep sacks work because they keep your infant safe, warm, and comfortable so they can fall asleep faster and stay asleep longer. They also align with the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP), “bare is best” recommendation that soft bedding such as blankets, pillows and soft toys should be kept out of the baby's sleep space to avoid accidental suffocation, the leading cause of SIDS.
Do babies sleep longer swaddled?
In those early days and weeks, most newborns sleep best when swaddled because it mimics life inside the womb. Swaddling also helps calm her flailing arms and legs that can trigger baby’s startle reflex (also known as the Moro reflex) which can interrupt her sleep.

What should a baby wear under a swaddle?
While every baby is different, most babies seem comfortable in just a short sleeve onesie or lightweight pajamas underneath their swaddle but it really depends on the outside temperature. Again, follow manufacturer instructions and don’t be afraid to ask! Most products come with a customer service line or email address. Use it, they want to help.
Can you swaddle with arms out?
Most babies start sleep training at around 4 months old, that’s also when a lot of parents transition from the swaddle, and they do this by keeping one or both arms outside of the swaddle. It’s possible that your baby prefers to have an arm out even as a newborn. Follow your own instincts as well as your infant’s cues as well.
Can you feed while swaddled?
There are quite a few reasons why experts suggest taking your baby out of the swaddle for feeding. Using their little hands to find the nipple (bottle or breast) helps them to latch on more easily. They can also get overheating while eating if in the swaddle. Taking off the swaddle for food breaks also helps baby eat the proper amount which ultimately helps them to sleep better – possibly even longer – between feedings.
Is it safe to swaddle a baby all night?
Yes! Newborns can be swaddled anywhere from 12-20 hours a day but when she reaches one month, it’s a good idea to only use the swaddle for sleep.
How many hours should a newborn be swaddled?
Most parents love the swaddle as much as their newborn does. That’s because that wrapped, tight feeling mimics life inside the womb. Experts say it’s safe for your newborn to wear the swaddle for up to 20 hours a day, but you want to be sure to take them out of it so they can explore their new world without restriction… which at newborn stage just means kicking their little legs and using their hands to touch things.
Once your baby starts showing signs of rolling over, it is time to start swaddling with arms out and transition right to the Dream Weighted Transition Swaddle or the Dream Weighted Sleep Sack.
As always, please feel free to reach out to us via the chat on our website or at [email protected] with any questions.
See our other favorite posts for further reading:
- Weighted Sleep Sack Safety and How It Will Help Your Baby Sleep
- How To Stop Startle & Moro Reflex Without Swaddling
- The Best Wearable Blankets
- How to Get Your Baby to Sleep Without Nursing
- Best Swaddle for Newborns
- Signs It’s Time to Stop Swaddling Your Baby
- Are Sleep Sacks Safe for Babies Who Can Roll Over?
- How to Get an Overtired Baby to Sleep
- How to Wash & Clean Your Dreamland Baby Sleep Sack
- How to Stop the 45-Minute Intruder During Your Baby's Naps
- Baby Napping Close to Bedtime and How to Do It Right
- Cluster Feeding at Night: Why Babies Do It and How to Manage It
- Know the Facts: What's Safe and What's Not for Baby's Tummy Sleep
- How Should A Sleep Sack Fit?