How Teething Affects Baby Sleep

How Teething Affects Baby Sleep

Helping Babies Sleep Better While Teething 

Growing teeth is just one of the many adorable milestones your baby will achieve in their first year. The side effects of these adorable little teeth, however, aren’t as cute. In fact, they can severely impact your baby’s sleep. As a loving parent you may be wondering how to help your baby sleep while teething. At Dreamland, helping babies sleep is what we do. Cozy up and keep reading to reunite with the good night’s sleep you’ve been dreaming of. Cause if your baby sleeps - that means you can too!

How do I know if teething is affecting my baby’s sleep?

Teething can be a challenging time for both babies and parents, and it is common for teething to cause regressions in baby’s sleep patterns. Here are some signs that teething may be affecting your baby's sleep.

  • Increased fussiness. Teething can cause pain and discomfort, which can lead to increased fussiness and crying, especially during sleep.
  • Drooling. Excessive drooling is a common sign of teething and can actually cause pretty pesky skin irritation and discomfort, leading to disrupted sleep.
  • Changes in eating habits. Babies may have a decreased appetite or difficulty feeding during teething, which can affect their sleep and cause them to wake up more frequently.
  • Disrupted sleep patterns. Teething can cause babies to wake up more frequently at night or have difficulty falling asleep, as they may be experiencing discomfort or pain.

    What time of day is teething worse?

    Many parents report that teething causes their babies to be more fussy and irritable during the evening and night hours. The exact reason for this is unknown, but there are a variety of factors that may contribute. During the day, babies are often distracted by their surroundings and may be engaged in play or other activities that help to take their mind off the discomfort of teething. At night, however, when the environment is quieter and there are fewer distractions, babies may be more aware of the discomfort in their gums.

    Why does teething pain increase at night?

    Along with the fact that your baby simply may not be as distracted at night, there are some physical factors to consider, including the following. 

  • Fatigue. We all hope that our babies are tired by the time bedtime rolls around, but sleepiness may actually make it harder for them to cope with discomfort. When babies are tired, they may be more irritable and have a harder time settling down, which can exacerbate teething pain. Thankfully, the anxiety caused by the pain can be reduced by using Dreamland’s Weighted Blanket. With a luxurious feel that’ll make your baby want to drift off and a 4 pound gentle weight, our blanket can reduce symptoms of anxiety and fatigue. 
  • Positioning. During the day, babies are often in a more upright position, which can help to reduce pressure on the gums. At night, however, when babies are lying down, the pressure on their gums may increase, leading to more discomfort.
  • Changes in circulation. As a result of this positioning, increased blood flow to the gums during teething can cause inflammation and pressure, ultimately leading to added discomfort. 

  • Will Tylenol help my teething baby sleep?

    It’s not uncommon for parents to turn to over-the-counter pain relievers like Tylenol to help manage their baby's pain. While acetaminophen (Tylenol) can be effective in reducing the pain associated with teething, it's important to use it safely and according to the recommended dosages. 

    Acetaminophen can greatly help to relieve teething pain and discomfort, which in turn makes it easier for your baby to sleep. However, it is important to remember that medication should not be used as a substitute for other measures to help your baby sleep, such as a consistent bedtime routine or soothing activities. Additionally, if your baby is experiencing significant pain or if you have concerns about their sleep patterns, it’s important to talk to your pediatrician or healthcare provider.

    It's also important to remember that overuse or misuse of acetaminophen can be dangerous, particularly in young children. Always follow the recommended dosages and do not exceed the maximum daily dose. If your baby experiences any adverse reactions or side effects after taking acetaminophen, stop using it and contact your pediatrician or healthcare provider.

    Does a pacifier help with teething?

    While pacifiers may provide some temporary relief from teething pain, they are not specifically designed to address the discomfort associated with teething. However, the pressure of sucking on the pacifier may still help to relieve some of the pressure and discomfort associated with teething. 

    While there is no one definitive solution to managing teething pain and discomfort, there are several things that you can try to help soothe your teething baby.

  • Offer a cold teething ring. The cold temperature of a teething ring can help to numb your baby’s gums and provide some sweet relief. Be sure to choose a teething ring that is safe for your baby to chew on and follow the manufacturer's instructions for use.
  • Gently massage the gums. Using a very clean finger or a soft washcloth, gently massage your baby's gums to help relieve pressure and discomfort.
  • Provide comfort. You are your baby’s biggest comfort. Extra cuddles or rocking along with some soothing sounds or music can help to provide comfort and distraction for your teething baby. When it’s time for bed, substitute the human touch for a weighted sleep sack or blanket that can mimic the feeling of a hug. The sense of security replicated by weighted sleep products can provide your baby the comfort they need to fall asleep and stay asleep.

  • Does teething cause a baby to wake up screaming?

    Teething can cause some pretty major discomfort, and it’s not uncommon for babies to wake up crying or screaming during the night due to teething-related pain. If you’ve completed your usual checklist consisting of a feed or a diaper change, your baby’s sudden nighttime fussiness may be caused by their tiny teeth migrating in their gums.  

    How long does teething sleep regression last?

    Although your baby’s sleep patterns may feel like a series of sleep regressions in the first year - thankfully, teething is temporary. Teething-related sleep regressions typically last anywhere from a few days to several weeks, depending on the child and the severity of the teething symptoms. You can expect these teething sleep regressions to occur between 4 and 12 months old. 

    How can I help my baby sleep at night while teething?

    Along with following your usual bedtime routine to prevent any additional sleep troubles, making sure your baby’s sleep environment is as comfortable as possible will ensure they get the best possible sleep while teething. Bundling your babe in a weighted sleep sack is a great way to help them achieve a restful night’s sleep, even while teething. Our Dream Weighted Sleep Sack is designed to help your baby feel calm, fall asleep faster, and stay asleep longer. The sack features our exclusive CoverCalm® Technology, which evenly distributes weight from your baby’s shoulders to toes to naturally reduce stress and give your baby the feeling of security and comfort - just like a hug. So, mom and dad, replace your hugs with those of a weighted sleep sack and go to bed in peace knowing your baby is safe and comforted. Plus, enjoy the bliss of a quiet household as you tuck yourself into bed. Goodnight!

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    In June 2022, the AAP updated its sleep guidelines and is currently not recommending weighted sleep solutions. You can read the full report here. Please note that this is not a recall. Dreamland Baby is in ongoing dialogue with the AAP regarding its stance on weighted sleepwear and hopes it will result in the statement being retracted.