Dreamland Spotlight - Matthew & Blake Coelho

Dreamland Spotlight - Matthew & Blake Coelho

Hello, Dreamers!

Here at Dreamland Baby HQ, nothing makes us happier than to hear our customer’s feedback! That’s why we created a new blog feature, Spotlight, to introduce you to “real” families who can share their unique experiences with our products. If you’d like to be profiled in an upcoming post, email us at [email protected]

We look forward to hearing from you!


Meet Matthew & Blake Coelho

We’re the proud parents of our twins Poppy & Duncan! They were born on June 11, 2023, and surprised us with an early delivery- they just couldn’t wait to meet their dads! We live in a suburb of Tucson, Arizona called Marana. Blake works in the music industry and represents some of the biggest who write your favorite songs that you hear on the radio today. Matthew works in marketing for one of the world’s biggest hospitality corporations. We also have three dogs: Chandler, Monica, and Joey! Our household is filled with laughter, joy, dancing, and music and love to be surrounded by our family and friends.

Our  Story

After navigating our independent adoption journey for two years, we were contacted by a local family attorney who introduced us to a woman who later would become one of the most special people in our lives. We first learned that Poppy & Duncan were expecting to make their entrance into the world back in March of 2023 and that we were chosen by their birthmother to provide a loving home and to be their dads! After a few weeks of getting to know one another and months of becoming close, Poppy & Duncan unexpectedly joined the family at just 28 weeks. We spent the first 2 months of their lives in the NICU, where our main goal was to make sure they were getting big and strong. Now that they are home and thriving, our family has become so much bigger and filled with more love than we could have ever imagined. 


Dreamland Baby Experience: 

We first discovered Dreamland Baby on Instagram. After reading the rave reviews and seeing ads frequently, we decided that we should get ahead of any potential sleep challenges and order two. That way when the twins grew the recommended weight, we would be ready to give them a try instead of having to wait for the delivery to arrive and risk sleepless nights, for the twins and for us!

At first, we’re a bit skeptical, but we’re both pretty open-minded and always ready to try new things! We just trusted other people’s experiences from product reviews and comments we’d see on social media. So, to us, we felt there was no harm in trying.

We just absolutely love that each night, our babies can go to sleep feeling comfortable and safe in their Dreamland Baby sacks! We took our first family vacation to visit our niece in New Mexico and sleep was no issue! Packing our Dreamland Baby products was not a problem because they pack just as easily as their clothes or ours! They slept so perfectly, which was shocking because it was our first time in a new environment, and we have to give credit to their Dreamland Baby sleep sacks! They are so used to having a bedtime regimen that includes our Dreamland Baby experiences that we believe played the biggest role in them feeling comfortable sleeping away from their cribs.

We love that the products truly do work! Our twins are also so comfortable using them, which makes us even more fans! The fabrics are soft, the designs are simple, and with options are for everyone. Not to mention their customer service is always top notch! There are not a lot of brands that truly make you feel like part of a community. Dreamland Baby does it in a way that most companies only aspire to.


The Dreamland Difference

We track sleep, and we can confidently say that since we’ve been using Dreamland Baby products, our twins' sleep has dramatically improved. The biggest shift over the past month has been the length of sleep windows. Where Poppy & Duncan used to go stretches of up to 2 hours at night, now they’re getting between 5 and 6 hours per night! (NOT AN EXAGGERATION) And since the twins are getting longer sleep windows, that means Daddy & Pop are getting more

We’re Dreamland Dads because…

We love the peace of mind that comes with using Dreamland Baby products, they are designed with safety and comfort in mind, allowing parents to worry less about their babies' sleep. Also, we love that Dreamland Baby sleep sacks can be used in various sleep environments, whether in a crib, bassinet or while traveling; the sleep sacks themselves are versatile products and can be worn in many ways that help our little feel safe, cozy, and ready for sleep! They’re also easy to take on and take them off. The simplicity of Dreamland Baby products is a game-changer in terms of their huge impact. Lastly – we just think the products are a must-have for any new or expecting parent. And if a parent doesn’t already have one, Dreamland Baby should be the first on their next gift wish list!!

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Dreamland Baby Blog

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In June 2022, the AAP updated its sleep guidelines and is currently not recommending weighted sleep solutions. You can read the full report here. Please note that this is not a recall. Dreamland Baby is in ongoing dialogue with the AAP regarding its stance on weighted sleepwear and hopes it will result in the statement being retracted.