Customer Spotlight: Mom Jourdan and Twin Baby Girls Eden and Zara

They say twins are double the fun. That's gotta be true when it comes to babies, right? More giggles, more chubby cheeks, and more sweetness when they're fast asleep. Except we all know how tough it is getting just one baby to sleep, so it's understandably a lot of work to get not one, but two babies sleeping peacefully at the same time! Dreamland Baby weighted sacks are one sleep hack that parents of twins are turning to in order to finally get the sleep they've been wishing for. 

One of those twin mamas is Jourdan Weltman. As a twin mom of sweet baby girls, Eden and Zara, she's seen first hand the sleep challenges that can arise when trying to sleep train two little ones simultaneously. As many parents do when their babies wake frequently (Eden and Zara were only sleeping 3-4 hours at a time at 4.5 months old), she reached out to a sleep coach to help move the process along. 

We caught up with Jourdan to find out what happened next!

How did you hear about Dreamland Baby and when did you start using our Weighted Swaddle? 

"I had heard about Dreamland Baby on Shark Tank. When my babies were 4 months old, I reached out to a sleep coach and she suggested we start our sleep training with a sleep sack. I remembered seeing this product (Dreamland Baby Weighted Sack) on Shark Tank and ordered it immediately. We implemented the sleep sack on day one of sleep training."
Do you have a special Dreamland Baby experience or story to share?
"We were fortunate to have around the clock help the first four months of our twin’s life. Day 1 of being on our own we started sleep training our twins because we knew waking up every 3-4 hours at night with two babies was going to be difficult to manage as working parents. We implemented the Dreamland Baby sleep sack and after 2 nights our twins went from waking up every 3-4 hours to sleeping 13 hours! Yes…. I. Am. Serious.13 HOURS! When we place the girls down at night, now, they raise their arms to get into this sleep sack. It is our most cherished baby product in our home and we couldn’t be more impressed with the quality and design as well. I have now purchased it for every friend who makes a baby announcement and hope the Dreamland Baby sleep sack brings them as much happiness as it has brought our twins and two well-rested parents!"

What makes you love Dreamland Baby so much?

"It instantly provides comfort to our children. When we lay them down in their crib, they raise their arms, and wiggle until we get it on them. Once on, they roll to their side and get ready for their nap/bed."

Clearly, these girls love their weighted sacks and this family is rocking their sleep routine!

How has sleep improved in your household (for both your baby and the rest of the family) since using Dreamland Baby?

"We all get a full night's rest. Our twins sleep an average 13 hours a night now! I hear from friends that their children are going through sleep regressions, especially in the stage our children are at now with “teething,” and our twins have stayed consistent with their sleep."

Wow! We could not think of a better testament to our product than hearing that Dreamland Baby is the most cherished baby product in this family's home. We are so happy that the Weltman family is getting the sleep they all need to stay happy and healthy so that double the fun is truly what they can focus on with their twin girls. 

We appreciate our customers, like Jourdan, taking the time to share their stories using Dreamland Baby. If you're looking for more customer experiences, we encourage you to check out our monthly customer spotlight posts as well as our reviews page.   

Want to follow along on the twins' sleep journey? You can follow Jourdan on Instagram @jourds1216.

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In June 2022, the AAP updated its sleep guidelines and is currently not recommending weighted sleep solutions. You can read the full report here. Please note that this is not a recall. Dreamland Baby is in ongoing dialogue with the AAP regarding its stance on weighted sleepwear and hopes it will result in the statement being retracted.