Benefits of Sleep Sacks

What Are Sleep Sacks Good For?

Sleep sacks are a practical, not to mention adorable, addition to any baby’s wardrobe. Think of a sleep sack as a wearable blanket or baby sleeping bag that regulates your baby’s body temperature so that they get a comfortable night or nap time sleep without having to use any extra bedding at all. According to the American Academy of Pediatrics, this is what also makes a sleep sack the safest choice for baby to use in their sleep space – just baby, on their back, in a sleep sack, with nothing else required in their crib, bassinet, or co-sleeper. Keep reading for some more frequently asked questions about the benefit of sleep sacks.

What is a sleep sack?

A sleep sack is like a wearable blanket for your infant. They help regulate a baby’s body temperature which creates a calm and comfortable environment for baby to fall asleep. If you’re wondering when to use a sleep sack, it can start as early as the newborn stage and go all the way through toddlerhood. Of course, they should be sized per baby’s age  and weight per manufacturer instructions.

What are the benefits of sleep sacks?

The benefits of a sleep sack are plentiful! They can be used starting at birth and are usually used through toddlerhood. Sleep sacks help regulate your baby’s body temperature so your little one is never too hot or too cold. When using a sleep sack, also known as a wearable blanket, there’s no need for extra bedding in baby’s sleep space which according to the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) is the safest way to sleep as this greatly reduces the risk of suffocation and SIDS.  Not to mention, because sleep sacks are so popular, you’ll have your pick of color, prints and patterns galore!

Why are babies more relaxed in sleep sacks?

Like swaddling, sleep sacks help babies feel the way they did in the womb: nice & warm and cozy & snuggly. That feeling gives babies a sense of security which can help them feel more relaxed and get a better night’s sleep. Many parents feel challenged by swaddling, so a sleep sack makes for a great alternative.

Do sleep sacks help babies sleep longer?

If you’re wondering what are sleep sacks good for beyond the benefits already mentioned, the truth is that they can possibly help babies sleep longer, too. The Dreamland Baby sleep sacks are gently weighted which helps to keep baby feel calm and soothed. This can result in more sleep for baby, and if baby sleeps longer, chances are you might, too!

Do sleep sacks help with sleep training?

When it comes to sleep training, routine is a big part of any option you choose to help get your baby to sleep through the night. This means with consistent and repeated efforts - starting to wind down at the same time every night. Using sleep cues like bath, books, music, bed, etc., and even what to dress baby in, like a sleep sack, you are helping to establish signals so that baby will recognize when it’s time to go to sleep. Sleep sacks make for a wonderful part of the nighttime routine as it lets baby know it’s time to catch some zzz’s.

Are sleep sacks approved by pediatricians?

Sleep sacks are approved by the American Academy of Pediatrics who support the use of sleep sacks. That’s because loose bedding or blankets can pose a serious risk to a baby if they inadvertently cover up baby’s nose or mouth while sleeping and obstruct their breathing. Of course, if you have any concerns regarding your baby, it’s a good idea to consult with your own pediatrician to go over any questions you may have.

Learn more about sleep sack safety here.

Why are Dreamland sleep sacks great for first time parents?

Dreamland Baby weighted sleep sacks are great for parents (and baby!) for so many reasons! For the parents with a newborn who just doesn’t like swaddling or for parents who just can’t seem to get the hang of swaddling, the sleep sack is dream come true! That’s because the sleep sack provides many of the same benefits of swaddling, plus, our sleep sacks are gently weighted and designed to help baby feel calm, fall asleep faster and stay asleep longer. The gentle weight reduces stress and increases relaxation through deep-pressure stimulation to give baby feelings of security and comfort. This deep-touch pressure can help soothe anxiety and encourage calming sleep.  Dreamland sleep sacks also have a two-way zipper for easy diaper changes which helps everyone get back to sleep faster.

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In June 2022, the AAP updated its sleep guidelines and is currently not recommending weighted sleep solutions. You can read the full report here. Please note that this is not a recall. Dreamland Baby is in ongoing dialogue with the AAP regarding its stance on weighted sleepwear and hopes it will result in the statement being retracted.