What Are The Signs My Baby Doesn't Want To Be Swaddled?

What Are The Signs My Baby Doesn't Want To Be Swaddled?

Some Newborn Babies Don’t Like Swaddles - Here’s What To Do

For most new parents, when it comes to their newborn babies, swaddling seems an obvious choice. Swaddling is meant to mimic life inside the womb where baby has had every single one of their needs met for the previous nine months! It’s that wrapped, tight feeling of the swaddle that helps baby feel comfortable, safe and secure. But if your newborn doesn’t like the swaddle or even worse, your newborn hates the swaddle, chances are, you will know! They may fuss more than usual, or act like a little escape artist, or simply react in a way that translates to “no, no no!” Remember, no one knows your baby better than you do, so trust your instincts. If your newborn baby doesn’t like to be swaddled, you’re not alone, and there are options. Below are some FAQs on how to handle things if your baby doesn’t like the swaddle!

What should I do if my baby doesn't like to be swaddled?

If your baby appears unhappy in the swaddle, it may be time to try something new... like your approach. Swaddling takes practice and if baby seems fussy every time you wrap her up, and the swaddle doesn’t seem to calm her, it may mean that the swaddle needs to be just a little tighter! At least around their arms. Make another attempt at a slightly tighter swaddle when things feel calmer and perhaps baby isn’t as tired. This may make a difference… and if it doesn’t, don’t worry! If your newborn doesn’t like to be swaddled, a sleep sack / wearable blanket is a great option. The Dreamland Baby Weighted Sleep Swaddle is a sleep sack that has a removable swaddle arm – this helps make swaddling a breeze. It is designed to help your baby feel calm, fall asleep faster and stay asleep longer. The gentle weight naturally reduces stress and increases relaxation through deep-pressure stimulation to give your baby feelings of security and comfort…. And if baby still doesn’t like the swaddle, simply remove it, and you’ll have yourself a sleep sack!

Should I be worried if my newborn baby hates being swaddled?

Chances are if your newborn baby hates the swaddle, you feel as if you’ve done something wrong. But guess what? You’re doing everything right! Picking up on your infant’s cue’s shows that you know your baby, and that you know him well! If you see signs that baby doesn’t want to be swaddled, like irritability, restlessness, and/or they try to escape from that baby burrito every single time, there are other options out there – like a wearable blanket (also known as a sleep sack) so try not to worry and remember to breathe!

Is it normal for my newborn to not like being swaddled?

Every baby is different and no two will respond to anything the same way! So when it comes to being swaddled, your baby may not like it. However, while it may seem counterintuitive, it could be your swaddle technique. Make sure you read manufacturer’s instructions (some swaddle blankets even come with videos or online instructions) to ensure that you’re swaddling properly. It could be a matter of pressure – as in the swaddle may be wrapped too loose. While it may be frustrating, it’s worth a few attempts and adjustments. But when it becomes really clear that baby doesn’t like swaddle, it may be time to move on.

Shop Dreamland Baby Sleep Sacks & Swaddles

When do babies typically stop liking swaddling?

Once your little one is able to roll over on their own, they typically no longer like the swaddle as it may restrict their movement. While every baby is different and starts to roll over at different times, this milestone is usually reached between two and four months old.  By then it’s a great idea to move to a wearable blanket to ensure that your baby is still safe in her sleep space. According to the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP), “bare is best” meaning that soft bedding such as blankets, pillows and soft toys should be kept out of the baby's sleep space to avoid accidental suffocation, the leading cause of SIDS. Which makes a sleep sack the perfect option!

What are signs that my newborn baby doesn’t like to be swaddled?

In those early days, weeks, and months of adjusting to life with baby, there are so many things to pay attention to as your baby’s means of communicating are fairly limited! But if you notice her squirming, fidgety, or crying when in the swaddle, it’s possible it’s just not for her! This is when a wearable blanket may come in handy. This is ideal as it keeps baby safe, regulates her body temperature, and helps ensure a good night’s sleep.

Can I train my baby to sleep in a swaddle?

When it comes to swaddling, in addition to the womb-like benefits of warmth, comfort, and security, it’s actually the safest way for baby to sleep. Wrap them in their little burrito bundle, place them to sleep on their backs – always, always, always on their back! – and let the zzz’s begin! Once baby starts to roll over though, it may be time to retire the swaddle blanket (although you can use it for all sorts of things like a nursing cover, diaper quick change cover up, and more!). It’s around this time that sleep “training” starts – anywhere between two and four months old.

Is swaddling the best way for newborn babies to sleep?

For most new parents, swaddling does in fact, seem to be the best way for babies to get the best sleep. That’s because swaddling is meant to sooth your newborn infant as they get used to life outside the womb. Those first few months of life are sometimes referred to as the “fourth trimester” and to help ease that transition, swaddling is meant to mimic life inside the womb where baby has lived so snuggly for the past nine months. It’s that wrapped, tight feeling that helps baby feel comfortable, safe and secure. Swaddling also helps flailing arms and legs that can trigger baby’s startle reflex (also known as the Moro reflex) that can wake her up during precious sleep time. But don’t worry if you discover that swaddling just isn’t working out. The Dreamland Baby Weighted Sleep Swaddle is a sleep sack that has a removable swaddle arm – this helps make swaddling a breeze. It is designed to help your baby feel calm, fall asleep faster and stay asleep longer.

How long does it take for a baby to adjust to being swaddled?

Newborn babies have a lot of adjusting to do. They’ve gone from the noisy and dark womb to the bright and busy world. With newborns sleeping 14-17 hours daily, you’ll want to aid them in sleeping well as much as possible. Babies are all different, and some may take longer to adjust to being swaddled. There are even some babies that may never take to the swaddle. As your baby grows rapidly and goes through an overwhelming amount of change, you will need to stay on your toes, constantly adapting to what they want and need. When it comes to swaddling your baby, it usually takes about one or two weeks for babies to adjust to the swaddle. Ensure you are correctly swaddling your baby and using a quality swaddle. For an extra sense of calm, try a weighted swaddle. Just as a heavy-down-comforter can help us adults feel snug and secure, promoting a better night’s sleep, a weighted swaddle can have the same effect for babies. 

Should I swaddle a fussy baby?

Some babies are just more fussy than others. Perhaps you know why your baby is fussy, or perhaps you are still enduring the journey of trying to figure out what. The reality is there may be no reason why. You may just have a fussy baby. As you work hard to ensure you and your baby get enough sleep, you may wonder if a swaddle can help your fussy baby. A swaddle may help calm a fussy baby, especially a weighted swaddle. At Dreamland, our weighted swaddles are proven to help babies fall asleep faster and stay asleep longer. 

The challenge with a fussy baby at bedtime is that you may need to rock them or hold them to get them to sleep. Newborn babies may not be ready to self-soothe, but if you can bear the shrills, you can try to lay them down and swaddle them. The feel of a weighted swaddle mimics the warm and tight feeling of the womb. Turn on the sound machine to bring some familiarity to their sleep routine. While they may not fall asleep instantly, over time, the same routine can promote falling asleep faster. 

Will my baby cry if swaddled too tightly?

Swaddling a baby too tight can present dangers and cause discomfort for your baby. A properly swaddled baby should allow for two to three adult fingers to fit between your baby’s chest and the swaddle. Our Dreamland Swaddles are designed for ease of use. No need to spend hours or days perfecting your technique to get your baby swaddled just right. With the ability to get your baby swaddled quickly, you can stop the tears faster. 

How do you stop a baby from crying when swaddled?

The shrills of your baby can stir up a mix of emotions. From anxiety to sympathy, it’s natural to want to avoid a crying baby. However, sometimes babies need to cry it out a little. If your baby is swaddled properly and in a sleeping environment they favor, you can only hope the tears stop. If they don’t, it’s up to you as to how to handle it. You can let them cry or do what you think it takes to make it stop sooner. Pairing a sound machine with a weighted swaddle can be the perfect recipe for a happily sleeping baby. The swaddle can make the baby feel safe and secure, and the sound machine comforts them as it reminds them of the sounds of the womb. Together, your baby will hopefully relax and choose sleep over tears. 

Why do babies try to break out of the swaddle?

The Moro Reflex or startle reflex is the natural instinct babies have that can cause them to seemingly try to bust out of their swaddle. The Moro Reflex causes them to stretch out their legs and arms, most commonly when they hear a noise. If your baby is not swaddled properly, busting out will be easy. Yet another reason it’s important to ensure your baby is securely swaddled, not too tight or loose. If your baby feels they have room in the swaddle, they may be more tempted to wiggle some and bust out. Babies want to feel safe and secure, so swaddle them as snugly as deemed safe to help them fall asleep faster. 

What are some ways to  stop my newborn from fighting swaddle?

Our two best tricks for helping your baby learn to love the swaddle are…

  1. Swaddle them a bit tighter. A swaddle that is not snug enough can tempt your baby to fight it. Ensure your swaddle fits just right so they feel safe and secure, which is precisely what they crave. Our weighted swaddles feature CoverCalm® Technology that evenly distributes weight from your baby’s shoulders to toes to reduce stress and increase relaxation naturally. With our easy-to-use swaddle design, you can achieve the perfect swaddle without the headache or hours of practice.
  2. Get an easier-to-use swaddle. Traditional swaddles can be complicated to use. Nonetheless, when your baby is squirming, it can be hard to get the fit just right. Switch to our easy-to-use swaddles that redefine what you might think about swaddling. To swaddle your baby in our swaddle, unzip the swaddle fully and place your baby in it on their back. Wrap the swaddle band, secure it, and place their arms in the preferred position. When ready, zip the swaddle up and say goodnight

Why does my baby start crying when swaddled?

There could be a few reasons your baby starts crying when swaddled. If you’re experiencing this, ensure you are swaddling your baby correctly. A traditional swaddle can be challenging to wrap. The key is getting the swaddle snug enough. If you’re frustrated with traditional struggle, take a deep breath and try a swaddle with an easier design. 

Our Dream Weighted Sleep Swaddle features a built-in swaddle band that makes swaddling a breeze. Simply place your baby in the swaddle, adjust the swaddle band accordingly, and zip up the swaddle. Our swaddle also allows babies to sleep with both arms in, one arm in, or both arms out. While some babies still may not want to be swaddled, you can at least know you tried the best of the best before surrendering. Don’t give up right away, though; 92% of parents saw their baby's sleep improve in the first week with Dreamland’s weighted sleep products. Additionally, 100% of parents achieved an additional four hours of sleep each night. 

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In June 2022, the AAP updated its sleep guidelines and is currently not recommending weighted sleep solutions. You can read the full report here. Please note that this is not a recall. Dreamland Baby is in ongoing dialogue with the AAP regarding its stance on weighted sleepwear and hopes it will result in the statement being retracted.