Transition Swaddles: Frequently Asked Questions
Swaddles create a safe and comfortable womb like sleep environment for your little one. But, what happens when your baby begins to outgrow their basic newborn swaddle? Here’s where a transition swaddle comes into your life. Read on to learn more.
What is a transition swaddle?
A transition swaddle is a type of swaddle designed for older infants that helps your baby adjust to eventually sleeping on their own, swaddle-free. With openings in the neck and arms, a transition swaddle is meant to help your little one get used to arms-out sleep.
With their arms out, your baby can safely roll over during the night, creating a much safer sleep environment. After your little one begins to roll over, regular swaddling becomes unsafe due to the risk of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS).
So, if your baby is breaking free from the swaddle at night, is old enough to roll over on their own, or is waking frequently, it may be time to consider a transition swaddle.
Can newborns sleep unswaddled?
While newborns can sleep unswaddled, infant swaddling is recommended by parents and pediatricians for a number of reasons. Swaddling your newborn can help them feel calmer, fall asleep faster, and stay asleep for longer periods of time. It makes a baby feel like they are safe and sound within their mother’s womb.
However, every baby is different, and if your newborn seems to be happier and sleep better unswaddled, it’s perfectly safe for them to do so. Sleep sacks and transition swaddles are a few different options available to parents whose babies have outgrown their initial newborn swaddles.
Remember, no matter how you choose to put your newborn to sleep, make sure they are always placed flat on their back in a sleeping environment without loose pillows or blankets.
What do I do if my baby won't sleep without being swaddled?
While some babies love their freedom and have no trouble transitioning to sleeping without being swaddled, other infants strongly prefer being swaddled. However, at a certain point swaddling becomes unsafe and parents need to consider other options.
So what do you do then if your baby won’t sleep without being swaddled?
If your baby has trouble falling asleep or staying asleep without being swaddled, one solution is to incorporate an age-appropriate type of swaddling into their bedtime routine. Once regular swaddling becomes a hazard (typically around the age of 2 months when your little one gains the ability to roll over) you can begin to transition to the use of a sleep sack or a transition swaddle.
A transition swaddle allows your baby to sleep with its arms out (while its body and legs are still covered). Similarly, sleep sacks provide your baby with a comfortable wearable blanket without restricting their nighttime movements. You can begin this transition by putting your baby to sleep in their regular swaddle with one arm out and one arm in for the first few nights.
Some parents will begin to get their baby adjusted to sleeping without a swaddle by putting their baby down for nap time without one, while still using one at night. This can help your baby gently wean off the swaddle while still ensuring you get a good night’s sleep!
Keep in mind that your baby is growing and developing rapidly at this age, so what doesn’t work now may work better in a few weeks. Be patient, transition slowly, and don’t give up!
Most babies should be able to undergo a successful transition in just a few weeks. Establishing a regular calming bedtime routine (such as bathing, rocking, and cuddling) can also help.
Do transition swaddles help with the startle/Moro reflex?
The Moro reflex can cause your baby to accidentally startle themselves out of their sleep. Swaddling helps prevent this startle reflex from occurring. But, what about a transition swaddle? Do transition swaddles also help ease the effect of the Moro reflex?
Transition swaddles allow your little one to sleep with their legs and body covered and their arms out. Therefore, while transition swaddles provide some protection against the Moro reflex, they likely won’t be as effective as a newborn swaddle. Luckily, the Moro reflex begins to disappear around the same time your baby begins to roll over, making it less of an issue as you begin to switch your baby to a transition swaddle.
Alternatively, a weighted transition swaddle with ¾ sleeves (like the Dream Weighted Transition Swaddle) can help by providing gentle weight and pressure to the arms.
How do you choose the right transition swaddle?
When it comes to choosing the right transition swaddle, you may be overwhelmed by all the options. Start by choosing a brand. We’ll make this part easy for you - choose Dreamland Baby! Dreamland Baby manufactures weighted swaddles, sleep sacks, and blankets that are safe, high quality, and user-friendly. Plus, we make choosing the right size easy, check out our size finder. From the design to the materials, Dreamland Baby prioritizes safety and quality in every product made. Our Dream Weighted Transition Swaddle features a unique design that allows your baby to move their arms freely and roll over while wearing the swaddle. Our swaddles are always made with premium materials to keep your baby’s soft and sensitive skin safe. And yes, our inner beads are safe and non-toxic. Simply put, we only sell products that we use on our own babies. Our customers are really just an extension of our family. We thank you in advance for your support.
What is the transition swaddle from Dreamland Baby?
The Dream Weighted Transition Swaddle from Dreamland Baby is designed to help soothe your baby after they begin to outgrow its newborn swaddle. Our ¾ length weighted sleeves help alleviate the Moro (startle) reflex, resulting in a better night’s sleep. The gentle weight is designed to help your baby feel calm while promoting better sleep. You can always count on Dreamland Baby for safety-certified products made with premium materials. Our weighted element is proven to calm your baby with Deep Pressure Stimulation so they can relax and sleep soundly. Say goodbye to restlessness and fussiness and say goodnight to a happy baby that’s ready for bed.