Baby Bibs Buying Guide

Baby Bibs Buying Guide

Designed to keep your baby clean - with the added bonus of being a built-in accessory to their cute little onesies - bibs are at the top of the list when it comes to essential baby products. Other products on your essential items list likely include products that aid in sleep such as a sound machine or weighted swaddle or sleep sack. 

Tips for Getting the Best Bibs for Your Baby

Babies do two things primarily; eat and sleep. While we are here to focus on bibs, to stay on brand we’ll offer up tips on how to help your baby fall asleep faster and stay asleep longer too. 

Keep reading while we break down the best bibs for drool and mealtime messes. 

Types of Baby Bibs - What are the different types of baby bibs?

As your little mess maker grows from their newborn stage through toddlerhood, there are different styles of bibs that will accommodate any age-specific drooling or messes. 

Here are some of the most commonly used styles of bibs available:

Cloth bibs:

Cloth bibs are the most common style of bib and can be used from those very early newborn days for milk dribbles all the way through drooly early toddler stages. Often made of cotton, feele, or terry cloth, these can be u-shaped, bandana style, or square and usually have a snap or velcro close at the nape of the neck. Out of all styles and materials of bibs, these are likely the most comfortable for your baby to wear for extended periods. Go ahead and pick out the cute prints, because your baby may be wearing these as an all day accessory. 

Plastic/Vinyl bibs:

Plastic or vinyl bibs are easy-to-clean and wipeable, making them perfect for new eaters. These can also be used during those extra-drooly teething days to keep your baby dry and comfortable. When it comes to caring for a plastic bib, make sure not to accidentally toss it in with your laundry or it will likely get melted and/or warped in the dryer. Simply wipe clean or rinse with some dish soap if necessary. 

Silicone bibs:

Silicone bibs are a little bit more sturdy than plastic or vinyl bibs, but are just as easy to clean. These often have a food or drool catcher at the bottom, making them the best choice for beginner eaters that are just learning how to grasp their food. 

Disposable bibs:

These bibs are less eco-friendly than other options but great for on-the-go. Disposable bibs are perfect to keep in the diaper bag just in case you need to feed your baby while you’re out or plan to stop at a restaurant. Being able to toss a dirty bib instead of tote it back home with you is a major convenience. 


These are a less common, probably under-rated, style of bib. Designed to cover your baby’s entire torso and sometimes the length of their arms as well, smock style bibs are the perfect choice for protecting your baby’s outfit from their meal. 

When To Use Baby Bibs: When do babies use bibs?

Bibs can be used basically from birth all the way into toddlerhood. Newborns often need bibs to catch those little dribbles of milk that flow from the corners of their mouth whether they are breast or bottle fed. Babies often begin to teethe as early as four months, which comes with a ton of drool. If your baby is extra drooly, those silicone or plastic bibs might be your best bet to keep them dry and comfortable, otherwise, be prepared to change out their bib often. Your toddler likely won’t need to wear a bib all day like they did when they were an infant, but definitely come in handy during meal time. Wiping or washing a bib is much easier than washing an entire outfit. 

Baby Bibs Sizing: How do you find the right size bibs?

Some bibs do come in specialty sizing, usually for newborns. This is because your tiny baby will likely look like they are swimming in a regular sized bib. Many bibs do come in adjustable sizing however, so keep your eye out for adjustable snap or velcro closures if you’re looking for a bib to grow with your baby. Some bibs will have sizing recommendations right on their packaging, while other bibs may have more flexible sizing. Don’t hesitate to try different brands either, you may find that some brands or styles fit your baby better than others. 

How many bibs does a baby need?

The number of bibs your baby will need can depend on several things, including their age, the style of bib, how often you do laundry, and just how messy your little one is. Some babies drool or spit up less than others, meaning they won’t go through so many bibs in a day. Here are some general bib recommendations for different age ranges:


Plastic bibs aren’t likely necessary in the newborn phase, so stick with cotton, muslin, terrycloth, or other soft fabric bibs. As long as your baby doesn’t spit up excessively, you should have anywhere between 10-15 bibs on hand during your baby’s fourth trimester. 


Once your baby starts getting teeth, you may notice a significant increase in the amount of drool from your baby. You’ll want to have both fabric and wipeable bibs on hand, especially once your little one starts purees or baby led weaning. You may find that your baby goes through up to 8 bibs per day. Unless you want to do laundry every other day, a bib stash of 20 or more should be sufficient. 

Early toddler:

Once your little one has mostly outgrown their drooly phase and has learned how to eat without making quite the same mess, you can get away with as little as just one wipeable/reusable bib for meal time. 

Do all newborns need bibs?

Not all newborns need bibs. As with many baby products, it may be best to refrain from purchasing too many bibs until you have a feel for how many your baby will actually need. Each baby and their needs are so different. 


While bibs are a personal preference, quality sleep (for you and your baby) is not. 

Dreamland Baby is here to help with sleep solutions designed in close partnership with Pediatricians, Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) Nurses and Certified Sleep Consultants and have been reviewed by Pulmonologists. Our sleep solutions are created with tired parents and their babies in mind. Our gently weighted sleep solutions naturally reduce stress and improve relaxation through deep touch stimulation so your baby can fall asleep faster, and stay asleep longer. 

Turn to our blog for more information about life with a baby or head straight to shopping our top rated products.

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